About my Color & Personality Analysis

As human beings, we respond positively to nature and have a deep, unconscious connection to it. Most of us intuitively know that connecting with nature soothes us, re-energizes us, reassures us, and nurtures us.

Today, many of us live in high-density urban environments and are missing this connection to nature. So when it comes to the spaces we live in, we can create that connection to nature by using harmonious color combinations, textures, patterns, and shapes that reference that subtle experience of blending in with nature.

Designers-Guild: fabric wallpaper/furniture: Stafford Staffordshire

It is in this sense that I create environments that help people feel safe and connected, and that gives them a feeling of belonging.

In 1970, psychologist Angela Wright developed the “Color Affects” method, a tool I use in my client projects.

Through this method, we distinguish four groups of colors (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter) perfectly represented by personality traits specific to each of these groups. Each season, therefore, has a very specific color palette and a marked personality (More information on seasonal personalities in this article).

So, when we are confronted with a discordant color combination, color psychology believes that this discordance is due to a mismatch between the different seasons.

The key to a harmonious color palette resides in the choice of the right color combinations for each season.

This is how I consider the seasons as a very influential tool on the personality. I create for those who are interested, an assessment, a guide to help them better understand their personality and their needs.

What I particularly like about this methodology is that it is very intuitive and puts us in direct contact with our instincts, which leads us to make more emotional and bold design choices. The goal is to create a home that resonates more deeply and one that you never tire of.

In a nutshell, it’s about connecting to your true nature.

Curious to find out more? Interested in identifying your seasonal personality? Make an appointment with me here.

Certified in Advanced Colour & Design Methods –
The fundamental Principles of Applied Colour & Design Psychology
